My Background

As I mentioned in my “Why This Blog?” post, I am a classic dispensationalist. However, since dispensationalists don’t have a creed or a confession of faith there can be a lot of variation in the doctrines taught, terminology, etc. This post is my attempt to quickly fill readers in on my “spiritual roots.”

Starting when I was seven years old my parents began listening to bible study tapes produced by Berachah Church in Houston, Texas. The pastor of Berachah was R.B. Thieme, Jr. (those of us who were part of his ministry just called him Colonel Thieme or “the Colonel”) who I have to say has had more of an impact on my spiritual formation and beliefs than anyone else.

As a little background, my parents had a very difficult time finding a church which they could call their own. I was baptized as a Lutheran when I was a baby and then again when I was about ten as a Southern Baptist. The list of issues and problems with the different churches would probably bore you so I won’t go into details. It is fair to say that when the pastor of the Baptist Church we were attending introduced my parents to Col. Thieme’s teaching it struck a chord with them. Over the next ten years (until I left for college) my parents, sister, and I listened to a bible study every single day (as in 365 days a year). The studies generally ran about an hour long so you can see that this was a true commitment on my family’s part.

Colonel Thieme always emphasized daily intake of bible doctrine so we listened every day. We were limited as to the number of tapes (reel-to-reel in those days) that we could get in a month but we could never get thirty new lessons a month. Whenever we would run out of new lessons we would begin re-listening until the new order arrived. I have estimated that I have probably listened to between 3,000 and 3,500 hours of unique (not counting lessons listened to twice) bible studies of the Colonel’s. My family and I are members of a local church (whose identity I won’t disclose) where I get a weekly sermon that lasts about 15 minutes. At this rate I will have listened to as much of my church’s teaching as Colonel Thieme’s sometime in the 24th century.

I still think in terms of Colonel Thieme’s unique vocabulary. This has often made it very difficult for me to communicate with other Christians. If you would like to see what I am talking about, check out the definitions of terms at Robert McLaughlin’s web site (he was one of the Colonel’s students) and you will see what I mean.

When I finally got established in a career I continued to listen sporadically to the Colonel’s teaching. However, as time went on he seemed to include more and more psychology in his teaching and it bothered me. I didn’t want to be without bible teaching but I didn’t have a lot of options so I did what most people do and let it go (I stopped listening and searching) for a while.

When I met my future wife we began looking for a church where we could join as a couple. My wife was raised Roman Catholic but she was at a point in her life where she was willing to leave the Catholic Church. Of course we had a tough time finding anything (mostly my fault) and we still had not settled on a church when we married (in a Methodist Church).

Well, over the last fifteen years a lot has changed. We have joined a local church (not Catholic and not dispensational) that teaches a lot of truth. I however, due to the wonders of the internet, have been able to find some great dispensational teaching that I listen to on my little mp3 player while commuting to work. I currently alternate listening to Bruce Bumgardner’s series on the Life of Christ and Jeremy Thomas’ series on the Book of Acts. To top it all off I often listen to Arnold Fruchtenbaum’s Life of Messiah From a Jewish Perspective on weekends. I am back to hearing the word on an almost daily basis and loving it.

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18 Comments on “My Background”

  1. i realy enjoyed reading you i will come for more of God and Jesus you have a way to make difficult to understand easy thank you.

  2. Hi Glen,

    I found John’s article on Esther by googling and coming to your site. I posted on that article, not having red your and your wife’s background. Mine began in Catholicism and includes schooling with Southern Baptists. God took us out of organized, partisan religion in 1976. If you will, check out our backgrounds at

    • mattsdavis Says:

      Youre a fraud Victor. You cannot hide from the truth. Youre brainwashing and mind control is evil, and it shows your true colors. You already know this, thats why you run. I am Matt Davis and i stand here as proof against you and your judgemental dogma.

      • Glenn Says:

        Okay Matt, those are some serious charges you are making on my blog. If you want to call Victor names then please do it somewhere else. If there is something about Victor that you think I should know then address your comment(s) to me.

        Consider this a friendly warning.


      • cow Says:

        Matt, I’d like to connect. Perhaps you’d email me? cowgroup at

      • Gretchen Says:

        matt, could u please contact me bc I have a loved one Victor is brainwashing

      • Joy Says:

        Matt, can you also please contact me; I also have a loved one who is caught up in this group.

  3. I apologize for overlooking the correct spelling of your name, Glenn.

    • Glenn Says:


      Thank you for your comments. I will head over to your website in the near future and check out what you wrote.

      I have had so many people spell my name with only one “n” that it doesn’t bother me any more but thank you for noticing!

  4. selectamark Says:

    Hi Glenn, forgive me for spelling your name wrong initially with only one “N” (probably due to the regular way it is spelt here in England)! I have stumbled across your website in the past but didn’t seriously pay much attention to it. I’ve just been reading your story, ‘My Background’. It’s a very interesting read, and thank you for being so honest and open about your journey.

    My background is as follows: Saved in a baptist church, then went to an Assemblies of God (AOG) church for many years, then also an Elim Pentecostal (very similar to AOG churches here in the UK) for a number of years and now an independent Pentecostal church that resigned from AOG about 10 years ago! I am very happy there with my wife and kids. I think they are well balanced for a pentecostal church if you catch my drift?! They are not into excesses and extremes.

    I think you have a very good and God thing going on with your website. I to consider myself to be a dispensationalist. Hope all is well with you Glenn.

    • Glenn Says:

      Hi selectamark,

      I am glad that you found my story interesting. I wrote that up about two and a half years ago and it could stand to be updated.

      Don’t worry about misspelling my name. Here in the U.S. Glenn can be spelled with either one “n” or two. The one “n” spelling is more common in the north and the two “n” spelling is more common in the south.

      Thank you for stopping by.


  5. mattsdavis Says:

    Glenn, im guessing you never went to Victor’s website. If you had you would know exactly where i am coming from. A simple google search of his name will bring up countless links showing Victor’s true colors. I was part of his group so i know firsthand what he is doing to people. I have witnessed many times Victor ruthlessly attacking people that are looking for God. Calling people all kinds of names including demon, and satan. He said i have the same spirit as Judas because i was trying to show his followers that he is a liar. I understand you not “liking” me posting it on your blog. If he is really brainwashing people you should welcome my comments as from someone who learned the hard way. It is absolutely, devastatingly wrong to mess with the mind of a person. I have no doubts that Victor uses mind control. I have studied mind control, which is a technique all cults use. It was what helped open my eyes to the fact that my mind wasnt my own when i was with Victor. Im sorry you dont like what i posted on your blog but people need to be warned. Also, dont be so quick to defend him. I guarantee if you talked doctrine with him he would call you a child of hell, just like he does with everyone who disagrees with him. Dont believe me? Find out for yourself.

  6. Ed Says:

    One of the best classical dispensationalist teachers left today is Andy Woods. You can listen at

  7. Dave Says:


    I was happy to find your blog while I was researching Van Til, since you and I have had similar experiences in learning doctrine through Thieme and in trying to find good Bible teaching. I had searched around a lot a couple of years ago and had found the list from Gary Kukis, settling on Fredericksburg Bible Church and Lost Pines Bible Church for day-to-day listening. It is frustrating trying to find anything like that in Indiana.

    Best wishes,


  8. Glenn Says:

    Hi Dave,

    It’s great to hear from you! I should probably update this post since it is now a bit out of date. Just like you I used Gary Kukis’ list of doctrinal churches to search for a Pastor and church I can call my own. I ended out settling on Pleroma Bible Church in Tullahoma, TN which is pastored by Clay Ward. It has been several years and I am still happy with my choice.

    Feel free to stop by any time you like.


    • Dave Says:

      I will check out some of the stuff from their website. It’s always exciting to find someone else presenting Bible doctrine in the familiar way. When I try to talk to most Christians about it, they think it’s from a cult. Yet, few churches teach the Bible as thoroughly.

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